Tuesday, August 10, 2010

i falter

i can only tell you want i want right now. literally right this second. no this second. what i wanted to eat two minutes ago I don't even want anymore. Every time i sit down to eat with other people i don't want whats on my plate anymore. If i can;t stick to the most trivial of decisions, how could i possible be sure. Sure of anything. The only thing i'm sure of is the way i feel right now. That feeling inspires action, decision & diction.

true or false - Acknowledgement of feeling in the moment is indicative of the most pure way to act. It directs your action with truth. Consider it the materialization of truth in you.

for now, i say true (...and i prefer hesitate...)

to falter: to give way. to hesitate in purpose or action. waiver. hesitate.


  1. i love this post so much because i know exactly how you feel.
    sometimes i think i'm too fickle and can't make a decision but really it's just that your feelings change and our feelings are all we have, they are our intuition, they must be followed. i disagree with the definition... faltering is not giving way to something (particularly, someone else's will) it is more like second guessing your own god-given intuition. don't do that.

  2. yes faltering is another way of saying "im second guessing my initial intuition" ..exact reason why i am so disablingly indecisive. i second guess, third and fourth guess any decision i need to make, because my feelings change so frequently and im terrified of consequences that may arise from my initial feeling. sigh.
    i envy those that arent afraid to act on impulse and stand by their initial feelings with a firm stance. ..id even call it a sort of bravery.
