If the time has come when you have desired this special demonstration with one person alone, then choose it. Announce it, and declare it. Yet make your declaration an announcement moment-to-moment of your freedom, not your ongoing obligation For true love is always free, and obligation cannot exist in the space of love.
If you see your decision to express your love in a particular way with only one particular other as a sacred promise, never broker, the day may come when you will experience that promise as an obligation- and you will resent it. Yet if you see this decision no as a promise, made only once, but as a free choice, made over and over, the day of resentment will never come.
Remember this: There is only one sacred promise-and that is to tell and live your truth. All other promises are forfeitures of freedom, and that can never be sacred. For freedom is Who You Are. If you forfeit freedom, you forfeit Self.
...for the two beautiful women who have been my sanity for months...
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